An 85-minute test for 3rd graders? Are they supposed to take this test in one sitting? This is child abuse. In a classroom setting, my high school students balk at any test that takes longer than about 20 minutes. It's probably all about money. I'm sure that tutoring vendors are lined up right and left, ready to get their share of public education $$. I bet these vendors are donating generously to Republican legislators. It would be interesting to know.
This could be turning around. I think parents are catching on that charters aren't that great. I think most parents want to send their children to a "good" PUBLIC school that is fully financed. They are learning that charters reinforce segregation and are a riskier business than real public schools. I think parents look at charters because discipline isn't where it needs to be in MNPS. Too much disruptive behavior is allowed in our schools. This is the "elephant in the room" that no one likes to talk about.
Lee is duplicitous about teachers "having control of their paychecks," when what he really means is "We Republicans were successful in banning the teachers' union (TEA) from allowing members to choose automatic payroll deduction to pay their dues." We teachers always DID have control of our paychecks in that regard! Most of CHOSE payroll deduction! Lee's legislation to ban the teachers' union (TEA) from payroll deduction was a move to punish us for speaking out against his goal to privatize education via charter schools and vouchers. He hopes to destroy our union. Firefighters, policemen, government employees are all allowed to pay union dues via payroll deduction. All EXCEPT teachers. Go figure. Why doesn't he give them "control" over their paychecks too? He wants to weaken us because he knows our Union fights for public education!
May 26, 2023·edited May 26, 2023Liked by Andy Spears
Since students in Tennessee are sleep deprived by force in their adolescent years, against their intrinsic rhythm , it would be interesting to see if the extra “ normal” sleep time during COVID enhanced brain development, and thereby learning potential over time.
Boys are generally six months behind in reading tests.
So what is the male/female breakdown of the results ?
Additionally a boy one month into the third grade agewise, should be 10 months or a year behind a girl that is 11 months agewise, into the third grade.
I think it’s important in order to understand any interpretations we need to look at the situation demographically.
An 85-minute test for 3rd graders? Are they supposed to take this test in one sitting? This is child abuse. In a classroom setting, my high school students balk at any test that takes longer than about 20 minutes. It's probably all about money. I'm sure that tutoring vendors are lined up right and left, ready to get their share of public education $$. I bet these vendors are donating generously to Republican legislators. It would be interesting to know.
Absolutely - it's insanity. And it is by design - so that our schools will appear to "fail" and vouchers will seem - reasonable.
This could be turning around. I think parents are catching on that charters aren't that great. I think most parents want to send their children to a "good" PUBLIC school that is fully financed. They are learning that charters reinforce segregation and are a riskier business than real public schools. I think parents look at charters because discipline isn't where it needs to be in MNPS. Too much disruptive behavior is allowed in our schools. This is the "elephant in the room" that no one likes to talk about.
Lee is duplicitous about teachers "having control of their paychecks," when what he really means is "We Republicans were successful in banning the teachers' union (TEA) from allowing members to choose automatic payroll deduction to pay their dues." We teachers always DID have control of our paychecks in that regard! Most of CHOSE payroll deduction! Lee's legislation to ban the teachers' union (TEA) from payroll deduction was a move to punish us for speaking out against his goal to privatize education via charter schools and vouchers. He hopes to destroy our union. Firefighters, policemen, government employees are all allowed to pay union dues via payroll deduction. All EXCEPT teachers. Go figure. Why doesn't he give them "control" over their paychecks too? He wants to weaken us because he knows our Union fights for public education!
Since students in Tennessee are sleep deprived by force in their adolescent years, against their intrinsic rhythm , it would be interesting to see if the extra “ normal” sleep time during COVID enhanced brain development, and thereby learning potential over time.
I hope someone does a study.
Boys are generally six months behind in reading tests.
So what is the male/female breakdown of the results ?
Additionally a boy one month into the third grade agewise, should be 10 months or a year behind a girl that is 11 months agewise, into the third grade.
I think it’s important in order to understand any interpretations we need to look at the situation demographically.
So what is the age and sex affect, effect?

These are interesting questions that certainly merit further investigation.